Tesla just unveiled the fastest production vehicle ever and I want it BADLY

“we can fit the whole soccer team and our desperate suburban hopes and dreams in here!”

We’ve been used to exciting reveals from Tesla, the company that a decade ago was shoving laptop batteries in the back of Lotus Elises and now makes sleek, ubiquitous electric luxury cars you can find parked in front of your local Whole Foods.

It’s truly a feat of engineering that a Tesla is now considered a serious “American car company”, not seen since the heady days of AMC a few decades ago.  And they’ve upped the game past ludicrous with the unveiling of their new Tesla Roadster.

Look at the stats:

how…how is this even real

Zero to 60 in 1.9 seconds is something we didn’t even think was possible in a production vehicle.  It’s faster than a LaFerrari, than any McLaren or Porsche, even a Bugatti.  It’s a record – and less than 1/5 of the price.

Top speed is 250mph+, which is record-setting as well, and all with a 620 mile range at highway speeds – 3 times the range of any vehicle Tesla has ever produced.

It’s remarkable – with one move, Tesla has created a car that nobody expected to be possible for another two decades.

Just look at that steering wheel – FINALLY, a concept vehicle steering wheel in a real production car.

And the hardtop is removable.

And it has all wheel drive.

And it seats four.

For people who follow cars – the fact that not even a glimpse of this car was seen is remarkable.  I heard rumblings a few months ago that there’d be a “new Roadster at some point”, but this blows everything out of the water.
