Lexus is a horrible, evil company that does horrible, evil things

I don’t know if you’ve noticed the new Lexus commercial, but it has a bunch of their cars looking sporty (original these days, I know) flanked by one car you might not recognize–the Lexus LF-A.

wtf is that yellow car on the right?

This is partially because you’ve never seen a Lexus sports car before, and partially because you didn’t know Lexus even made a sports car.

And it’s a ruse.

A sham.

A travesty, if you will.

You see, Lexus DID make a sports car, so you can sequester that factoid away for future Jeopardy purposes.

It was called the LF-A.

They made 500 of them and sold each one at $400,000 a pop.

And they were produced from December 2010 to December 2012.

That’s right: Lexus is using a car in their commercials they stopped making two years ago that you can’t buy.

What kind of tease is this?

If you want to see a commercial about a company’s new car lineup, there’s nothing more depressing than trotting out an awesome car they made awhile ago that you can’t buy and most likely will never even see.

It’s like if Apple still made commercials starring the 20th Anniversary Mac to sell the iPhone. You don’t tease something people can’t purchase. And anybody who rushes into the showroom screaming “THAT I WANT THAT GIVE ME THAT FROM THE TEEVEE” is going to be sorely disappointed and will likely leave after drinking one of the free coffees and throwing it at a CT-h in utter disgust.

If Lexus was smart, they’d show it next to an LF-B or LF-C or LF-HIJKLMNOP to say “well, you can’t have this, but you CAN have THIS”.

Or they’d have a sports car for around $100,000-200,000 to make them look more sporty overall and show that yes, they are capable of making cars that go from 0-60 faster than refrigerated butter.

To tease is cruel, especially when it doesn’t help you in the end.